Monday, December 9, 2013

It's been a while...

I know I have been MIA for a few weeks, we have been pretty busy and coming up with something to write has been a little difficult.  Many of you who read my blog also follow me on Facebook, so you know what I have been up to.  I am pretty much an open book when it comes to Facebook and my friends. So what have I been up to?

I went to NYC for Thanksgiving to celebrate my BFF's birthday:

Survivor Tree at 9/11 Memorial
View from our hotel room
Horse drawn carriage Ride through Central Park

 We went to a Christmas Party:

Went for a 12 mile run and did some relaxing:

Now you are all caught on what I have been up to.
Here are some confessions and thoughts:
1. I am way behind on my running training, with it getting darker earlier and me not really wanting to run, I am behind on my mileage.  I have been running to the gym on Saturdays, working out and then running home.  This gives me about 5 miles once a week.  That's about all I have been doing. 
2. My coach told me today that I need to stop with all the running, that I can either be good at running or good at lifting, I can't do both.  Well, since I am not a good runner, I guess I will stick to the lifting, although I am not that great at that either.
3. I have realized that it is easier for me to be super supportive of other's accomplishments but I don't do the same for myself.  I am going to try hard this month to celebrate my own successes just as much as I celebrate other's.
4. I am a natural stressor and I think all this stress causes things to happen to my body.  I never realized how much stress affects the way our bodies operate.  This is another thing I need to work on, but I don't know how to work on this. In the past I have ran to let go of my stress, but I think I might need to come up with another way (refer back to number 2).
5. Life is pretty damn good.  There is not much in my life that I should be complaining about.  Yes there are things I have to deal with that maybe your average person doesn't, but those things make me who I am and make me dedicated to being healthy and motivated to keep going.  I need to stop complaining and bitching all the time.  I need to use those around me to motivate me and keep me positive.  I have a gym buddy who is one of the most positive people I know, I need his point of view on life to rub off on me.
Well, that is all I have for now.  I will think of some more topics to write about, just wanted to catch you all up since I have been MIA for a little while.  Happy Monday!! 

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