Thursday, October 3, 2013

And so it begins...

I guess this is officially my first blog post!  I have talked about starting a blog forever, but never really got around to it.  I mean, who really wants to read about my day to day life?  Oh well, I am doing it anyways.

If you don't know me personally, I will give you a little background about me.  I am in my early 30s, been married almost 13 years and love it.  We don't have any children, but we are starting down the path of trying. That is really scary to me, but that is another story for later in this rambling.  I was diagnosed with MS in December of 2006.  Before I was diagnosed I knew nothing of the illness and had no idea what I was going to be dealing with in the future.

At the time I was diagnosed I wasn't what you would call active or super healthy, I worked out here and there, but nothing to the extent that I do now.  When I was diagnosed I decided I wanted to be as active as I could while I still could (at this point I thought the diagnoses meant I would be in a wheel chair sooner or later) so I joined a couple soccer teams and a couple of softball teams.  I had never played sports growing up, but I went for it.  I still ate like crap, but hey I was exercising on the weekends.  Fast forward a few years, I wasn't what you would call obese but I was not in good shape either.  I had put on a good amount of weight and I wasn't happy with how I looked. I had ran a couple of 1/2 marathons, but nothing too impressive. I had a friend who invited me to try some meal replacement shakes (2 years ago) and that is when it all started.

I started drinking the shakes and taking some supplements while running a lot.  Then my Best Friend sent me a deal that her gym was having. I signed up for the month deal, which meant I was waking up at 5:15 AM, 3-4 mornings a week. Well, once I started I was hooked! After one month at the gym, I wanted to sign up for a year.  Hubby agreed that is was working and that I was sticking to it so why not. Well here I am a year and a half later, 42 pounds lost, able to lift some heavy weight.  Competed in 2 competitions at my gym and as active as I have ever been in my life.

I am always looking for new healthy ideas I can try and have others try.  I am dedicated to my health and my husbands health.  I know some say I am obsessed, but when I think of how I could be, I don't care what they think. I have my good days and my bad days. I try my best not let my MS hold me back in any way and I just try to be supportive to all those around me.

The point of my blog is to share with others what I experience, share healthy recipes I find and try and maybe have a place to express what I am thinking.  I love living my healthy lifestyle, I am not perfect, never claimed to be, but I am grateful for my life and all that I have accomplished.

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