Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Oops! I did it again...

I signed up for another Half Marathon (my coach is not going to like this).  We are signed up for the Surf City Half Marathon in February.  This race takes place in Huntington Beach on Super Bowl Sunday.  We have ran this race before and we will be Legacy Runners this year, which means we have a special entrance to the beer garden after the race and we get a special shirt. All great reasons to sign up for another half marathon, right? HA!

So now what? I have finally gotten over the last horrific race and have thought about what went wrong and what I need to do in the future (maybe actually train a little bit). Now it is time to put a plan in place.  I already go to the gym 5 days a week and already do extra cardio, so do I need to do to fit in my running training? 

First Step, fill in a training calendar.  I printed some monthly calendars off the web and started to fill in all my Train Insane workouts. I usually workout Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.  Second step was to download a training plan from Runners World. I used the race time I would like to get along with the amount of miles I plan on running each week.  Runners World has a great tool that plans out each run with how fast and how far they should me.  I then took that information and entered it onto my monthly calendars. 

Here it is!! (yellow is TI workouts and pink is running  workouts)
I am sure some of these days will change here and there depending on what comes up in every day normal life, but if I can follow this plan, I should be able to finish the race in the time that I am aiming for. 
I will have to do the running in the evening, which is going to be a little tough with the time change coming and it getting darker later.  But, we have a treadmill at the house, so I can always do my runs on there while watching my reality TV.  It is always easier to run when you are watching train wrecks (The Kardashians) on TV. 
I will need to meet with my coach/trainer to see what he thinks about this schedule.  I know he will tell me not to do the race, but the money is spent and I don't back out of things.  I will need him to analyze my food intake and let me know if it needs to change with the addition to the running.  I hope it won't have to change too much, I like the plan that I am currently on.  I know that I will need to spend extra time with mobility. I don't want to end up with any injuries that keep me from lifting and being at that finish line on race day.
I know that adding all this running is going to suck.  I am going to hate life some days.  I won't want to put in the time or the miles, but it will all be worth it when I cross the finish line with a Half Marathon time of 2:15 or better.  That might sound slow to some of you, but when I started these stupid things, I was running them in 3 hours and 8 minutes.  I have come a long way and I want to keep improving.

Here is a hilarious article about why training for marathons is the worst thing ever: 
Why Training for a Marathon is the Worst Thing Ever

Happy Wednesday!!!


  1. You are crazy! Make sure you rest and get enough sleep.

    1. Gilda, I have never said I wasn't crazy. I think the first step is admitting you have a problem, right?
