Monday, October 28, 2013

Burpees and Booze

Oh boy, what a weekend that was.  I still can't believe it is Monday already.  It went by way too fast and I didn't sleep enough.  Too much going on in a short time and not enough rest.  I am feeling exhausted and bloated this morning. So what happened this weekend?

Friday was our typical dinner out and a movie.  We went to see Carrie and actually really liked it. We stayed up a little later than usual, but nothing too bad.

Saturday was where the Burpees and booze came in.  I went to Train Insane as usual.  Planned on doing extra mobility and some skills work.  I didn't want to get too sweaty since the beautiful Hannah was going to be doing my make-up for the Halloween party I was going to that evening.  Well that plan didn't happen.  One of my gym friends asked if I wanted to do a 50 Burpee Challenge with him for time.  I stupidly agreed without a second thought.  Then he said, well why not 100 Burpees.  I hesitated for a moment and then of course I stupidly agreed.  It didn't take as long as I thought it would, but it was as awful as I thought it would be.  So I was drenched in sweat and then it was time to get my eyebrows waxed and my makeup done. 

Tinkerbelle Makeup after 100 Burpees
I then had to run errands to get ready for our Halloween Party in the evening.  We decided we also wanted to get the CO2 tank for Lido's new toy, his kegerator.  What a pain that was! We had to drive all over just to get it filled and get a keg. Then it was time to get ready for our party. 
I was already exhausted and I had no idea how I was going to stay awake for the party, but Tinkerbelle put her wings on and partied with her Peter Pan.
We started off slow, nothing too crazy, just chatting with some new friends and old friends.  Had a few drinks and chatted for a while.  Then it happened... By it, I mean I made a very poor agreement.  I was asked (dared) to drink a 12 year old beer.  Since I am never one to say no to a challenge I went for it.

The poison
First lesson learned: beer does not get better with age!! It tasted awful! Second lesson learned, just because people are chanting "Tink, Tink, Tink" , you don't have to drink the entire thing in two drinks!! I still can't believe I actually was able to drink it all. Yuck!! Lesson learned, don't do it!!
We continued on with our evening, having a great time!. Next thing I knew it was about 2 AM and we were walking to Sarah's house.  We had a great time, my feet were killing me (don't wear 5 inch heels the whole night) and I was exhausted.  I just can't party like I used to, even though I guess I thought it was a good idea to try.
Tinkerbelle and Peter Pan out!
Waking up Sunday was hard and I was not feeling like moving or doing anything.  I was hangover and remembered why I don't like to drink like that.  I am now going to have to take a break from alcohol for a while.  I think just the smell of it would get me sick again. Hey, it was fun, don't get me wrong, but I am too old for the aftermath of a night of drinking. Going shopping at Costco was torture!  I hardly drink anyways so I don't know why I thought it was a good idea to drink so much in one night.  I am pretty sure my liver is giving me the middle finger right now.
Today is a new day and I can't let one weekend of binge drinking keep me from my goals. So I got up at 5:15 this morning and put on my workout clothes like I always do.  What do I see on the board this morning?  BURPEES!!!! (and Wall Balls) What the heck!!! My arms are still sore from Saturday!! I guess it is my punishment for going over board on Saturday. 
Happy Monday!!! 


  1. Haha...I like the part about your liver giving you the middle finger. LOL least you looked cute! And way to get right back to the gym. Not an easy thing to do after a weekend like that!

  2. You guys looked so good! I can't believe you did 100 burpees. urgh, plus the met con the next day. Make sure you roll out your legs.
