Thursday, October 3, 2013

Hard Headed Over Achiever

That's me!! I am a hard headed, over achiever for sure. I try not to be, but it is who I am.  Just like I try to say I am not competitive, yeah right! Sometimes I don't know how my husband and friends put up with me. 

Anyways, the reason for this topic. Tuesday I was at the gym and my awesome coach asked me how I was feeling that day, I told him, "exhausted", he then proceeded to tell me that he could tell I was exhausted because is showed in my face. He told me that I need to take a break from all the extra cardio I was doing at night. See, I have been going to the gym twice a day about 2-3 times a week. I enjoy going to my gym (I already go 5 days a week), I truly feel it is the best gym ever! I love all my TI (Train Insane) friends and what is better than socializing while working out? 

I was devastated when he told me this, I know it sounds dumb, like who gets told they need to cut back on going to the gym and then gets upset about it?  So after I finished my metcon, I was laying on the floor trying to catch my breath (like usual) and I started to cry, WTF!! Who the hell cries when they are told to get rest from the gym? This crazy girl right here. I was upset because I was being told I couldn't do something, like a child I know. It's not that he wasn't right, I just couldn't see how cutting back was going to help me to get to my "goal". 

Well after a couple of days off from the extra sessions, talking to my friends and stepping back to reflect on what he said, I know he was right.  I wasn't upset because he said I couldn't workout, I was upset because my first thought was that I was allowing my MS to get in the way of me working out. I don't let this disease get in the way of anything. If I feel pain, I power through, if I am tired, I power through.  I don't like to talk about my MS and I don't like to feel like it is controlling me.  You see, I recently had to go back to daily injections, I was taking a pill. I hate these daily injections because to me they are a constant reminder of the MS.  When I popped a pill I really didn't have to think about it, but sticking myself with a needle every damn day makes me mad. I seriously hate it.  Heck, Lido and I used to fight about it before because I wouldn't want to do it and he would tell me I had to.

After these couple of days of rest, I now can see that I really did need it.  Whether I was exhausted from all the exercise I was doing or from the MS, who cares, my body needed it. 

My take away from all of this, don't be so hard headed. I need to learn to listen to my body sometimes. I need to try and stop comparing myself to others, I say try because it won't happen, but I can at least make and effort. Often times as we workout or train for something we are so focused on getting to our goal that we don't always take the time to listen to our bodies. Sometimes we just need rest, either for our physical or mental well being. 

You know you have a great coach and friends when they can look at you and tell you that you are doing too much.  Lord knows that I would have never willingly taken the couple of days of rest.

Thanks for reading!

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