Thursday, October 17, 2013


Boy has this been a week of recovery.  The Long Beach Half Marathon sure did a number on my body.  My knees feel like they are 80 year old and my hips feel like they are about 90 years old.  I am still mentally recovering from such a hard run too. 

My recovery plan changes each race, it just kind of depends on how the race went and how I am feeling.  For this race, I first rehydrated with 2 Beers at the end. I made sure to eat a banana and cheez-its while drinking my beer.  You know, the good carbs.  Then I walked around trying to figure out where to get my correct medal.  I also had a little bit of a melt down. Then we took a nice 1 mile walk back to the car. Darn right I GPSed that walk! No one wants to walk another mile after you just barely got through 13.1 miles. Stupid finish line not being right at my car.  We then stopped at Chipotle for some recovery food. However, we didn't eat our food for about 2 hours because our family stopped by.  I was fine with it because I got to play with my niece and nephew. Totally worth it! Oh yeah, I took a shower before they got there.  I then finished the day by laying on the couch until it was time for bed.

The next morning I rolled myself out of bed at 5:30 and went to the gym. I didn't workout, but I did roll out and stretch.  I was walking very slow and stiff that morning.  I made a good decision and didn't wear my usual heels to work.  I tried to get in as much water as possible.  I was trying to get out all those Lactic Acids everyone is always telling you about. I also made sure to hit all my calories and nutrient numbers.  I do understand that it is important to replenish your body after putting it through such horrible torture.

Tuesday was much of the same, but I did workout at the gym.  It was tough, but I am glad I did it. I believe it is important to get the blood flowing back into all the stiff muscles.  We had a massage Tuesday night, boy did it hurt.  We try to get deep tissue massages monthly to try and help with all the stiffness we get from working out.  When she got to my IT bands and calves, I wanted to jump off the table. I think this helped my recovery go faster.  I love a good and painful massage.  I don't have time for any of that relaxing crap.

Now what I should of done was taken an ice bath.  I have done this in the past and it really helps, but I was lazy and didn't want to buy ice, change into a bathing suit and get into a cold tub.  None of that sounds fun when you are sore and don't want to move.  I believe I will start buying the ice before the races so I have it at home and there will be no excuses.

Tuesday I received an email from the Long Beach Half reminding me to sign up for 2014 and giving us a discount code for being Beach Bums. I immediately had flash backs of the horrible experience and seriously almost started to cry.  A couple days later and this happened:

Seriously?  Why the heck do I torture myself?
If you didn't think I was crazy already, I also signed up for the Huntington Beach Half in February.  I even asked the hubby to help me train for it.  I NEVER train for races, I just show up and do them. But the crazy and competitive part of me wants a 2:15 race time.  We will see how this goes. 
I will leave you with a picture of my beautiful salads that I have been making for lunch all week:

And what I am planning on having tonight for dinner:

There is fish under all that yummy avocado!
Now I can't wait to eat lunch and dinner!!!!

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