Friday, October 4, 2013

Feeling Strong Today!

Today in the gym we had to get a new 3 rep max for our push press.  Every time we need to get a new max I get stressed because I want to make sure it is a big jump. I just never know what I am going to be able to push, pull or squat.  Well, my upper body isn't very strong, especially compared to a few of my gym buddies.

Back in June I was in a competition at my gym, Train Insane, and one of the lifts was a shoulder to overhead.  We could get it over our head however possible (strict, push, jerk) at that time I was only able to get 85 pounds doing a push press.  I tried over and over to get 90 pounds up there, but it just was not happening. Today was a different story, I was able to push press 95 pounds 3 times!!! I think I could of gotten 100 pounds, but that will have to wait for another day.  This was the perfect way to start my Friday! I am feeling strong and accomplished. Yay!!

I am hoping to get in some skill work at the gym tomorrow. I working on being able to get some strict pull ups and get my handstand push-ups together without falling off the wall.  Planning on getting in about 45 minutes of cardio. I will probably go for an easy run on Sunday, if I feel up to it. It wouldn't be a bad idea since I have a 1/2 marathon next Sunday!!! Crap, who's idea was it to sign up for another 1/2 marathon?

My body is sore already (always is) and then I am going to go run for over 2 hours. I wish I was a fast runner so it would be over sooner and I could be refueling with a beer at the finish line.  I don't know why I torture myself with these runs. I think we are only going to do two races a year going forward.  We were doing about 4 a year and now we are down to three.  I prefer my workouts in the gym to running long miles, so I think I will keep my focus there.

My last race back in June I was able to get a pretty huge PR (personal record) for myself. I was actually pretty surprised with my time, especially since I don't train for the races anymore and just kind of go out there and do them.  I get asked a lot how I train for my races and I just tell them I don't.  People sure are shocked when I tell them I don't train for my races. I used to train a lot and saw very little improvement with my race times.  I guess losing 42 pounds and going to the gym consistently is what works for my race times. Looks like I have 9 days to think about the race.

I am still figuring out this whole blogging thing and what to talk about each entry.  I will soon figure out how to add pictures and what topics to talk about.  I follow a lot of blogs and some discuss their entire day, some discuss specific topics, share recipes or just random stuff. I am not sure what my blog is going to focus on yet, but you can expect me to talk about workouts and my food. I hope to include recipes that I use and pictures of the food we eat.

If there is something you want me to talk about (if anyone is reading this) just let me know and I would be happy to.  Talk to you later!

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